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Multi-asset investing

Multi-asset investing can provide a diversified exposure to a broad range of markets

$117 billion

Assets Under Management*

*Source: L&G's Asset Management division internal data as at 31 December 2024. The AUM disclosed is shown on the basis of client direct investments and excludes any double count from fund of fund holdings.

Why L&G for multi-asset?

Our Asset Allocation team’s expertise includes economists, investment strategists and fund managers. They constantly monitor market cycles and the mix of their portfolios, combining robust risk mitigation strategies and active asset allocation to manage investments during times of market stress. Our scale and in-house expertise enables us to keep our funds simple, cost-effective and always focused on improving client outcomes.

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Our latest views on markets and investment strategy

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What is multi-asset investing?

By investing in a range of asset classes, countries, sectors and currencies, investors can avoid having a concentrated exposure to any one asset class or driver of returns.

Risk management is an essential element of multi-asset investing. We incorporate risk management into our strategies through a combination of advanced modelling techniques, investment judgement, and oversight from our independent risk team. We aim to create portfolios that can perform through a variety of market conditions and that aim to withstand or reduce the impact of negative market events, as we recognise that investors prefer a smoother ride to achieving their goals.

ESG and asset allocation

The Asset Allocation team is committed to being at the forefront of responsible investment, offering clients a dedicated range of sustainable multi-asset options as we integrate L&G’s responsible investing expertise into our broader range.

ESG considerations are integrated into our investment process at multiple levels, ensuring a holistic approach to the challenge of navigating ESG-related financial risks and opportunities. ESG factors influence asset allocation decisions where material and help us align portfolios to their objectives. At L&G, we are privileged to have access to a range of ESG-integrated building blocks to incorporate into our portfolios. We draw upon L&G’s industry-leading climate solutions research, active cross-asset class research forum, and our Investment Stewardship team.

Asset Allocation team

L&G has over 35 years of experience in multi-asset investing. Our dedicated Asset Allocation team combines strategic economic views with insights into a diversified range of global asset classes, strong portfolio management capabilities and sophisticated risk management. The macro research and investment ideas generated by the team are not only key in our asset allocation strategies, but also in managing our shareholders’ capital, active fixed income and Liability Driven Investment (LDI) mandates on behalf of clients.

  • 5 economists assess the macro environment and outlook
  • 9 strategists analyse the impact at an asset level
  • 18 portfolio managers translate asset views into investments
  • 3 investment specialists communications, marketing and product support
  • 150+ additional investment professionals including a centralised dealing team of 20+

Contact us

Whether you’re looking for advice on institutional investing or a general asset management query, our friendly team will be on hand to support you.

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LGIM Blog: Multi Asset

For short, concise views in connection with our asset classes, you can find a varied selection on the LGIM blog.

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L&G Talks Asset Management: An investment management podcast

Hear our experts from across the business share insights on financial markets.

Key risks

The value of any investment and any income taken from it is not guaranteed and can go down as well as up, and investors may get back less than the amount originally invested.
Whilst we have incorporated ESG information into investment decision making and stewardship practices, there can be no assurance that any responsible investing goals will be met.