Modern warehouse with IPIF logo

Industrial Property Investment Fund

The Industrial Property Investment Fund (IPIF) was launched in 1997. The fund aims to invest primarily in good quality, predominantly multi-let, industrial estates as well as distribution warehouses with an emphasis on London and the South East. It also invests, to a lesser extent, in regional assets, trade parks, self-storage units and targeted development projects.

Our strategy

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The fund maintains a rolling refurbishment and lease negotiation programme.

The portfolio maintains a South-East bias.

The fund seeks to actively manage its buildings in order to add value where such opportunities exist.

Core strengths

Diversified portfolio

The fund has grown to over £2 billion with 169 properties let to over 1,400 tenants (as at 31 December 2020).

Management intensive

The fund seeks to drive performance through the efficient management of a large number of tenant relationships and a continuing programme of new lettings, lease renewals and rent reviews to add value.

Experienced team

The dedicated fund team has significant industry experience. Its knowledge of market dynamics and strength of occupier relationships, we believe, is second to none. The ability to leverage this insight is key in delivering the investment performance demonstrated to date.


years experience


number of properties


number of occupiers

As at 31 December 2020.

A focus on sustainability

The fund actively promotes the importance of the circular economy, so aiming to improve society and the wider environment. The fund works alongside property management partners to, where possible, reduce, reuse and repurpose waste rather than it ending up in landfill or an incinerator. All of this, with a view to benefiting both local social enterprises and the environment.

Case study

ra - inv sol - real  - spec - ipif - IMAGE - clocktower industrial estate

Clocktower industrial estate

The estate was developed over two phases with the most modern units located in a central core. Office accommodation is located on the first floor and is fully fitted, whilst the warehouses are completed to a high specification.


Winner of Performance - 5 Year risk-adjusted, relative return

The award recognises strong performance and ability to deliver attractive, risk-adjusted performance to investors.

Industrial construction

Blog: Beyond beds and sheds: Industrial real estate in a 4D world

We expect industrials to outperform in the coming years, but could investors overlook new and growing segments?

Specialist funds

Specialist areas of the real assets market

Contact us

Woman talking on phone

Get in touch

If you would like any further information please complete the contact us form. 

Key risks

The value of any investment and any income taken from it is not guaranteed and can go down as well as up, and investors may get back less than the amount originally invested. The risks associated with each fund or investment strategy should be read and understood before making any investment decisions. Further information on the risks of investing is available from L&G's Fund Centres.

While L&G has integrated Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations into its investment decision-making and stewardship practices, this does not guarantee the achievement of responsible investing goals within funds that do not include specific ESG goals within their objectives.