About L&G’s Asset Management business
We are the Asset Management business of L&G
L&G's asset management business is a major global investor across public and private markets, with €1,351 billion in AUM.* Our clients include individual savers, pension scheme members and global institutions. Our investment philosophy and processes are focused on creating value over the long term.
*Source: L&G's Asset Management business internal data as at 31 December 2024. The AUM disclosed aggregates the assets managed by L&G's asset management divisions in the UK, US and Hong Kong (2018-2019 only), and Singapore from July 2023. Excludes joint ventures and assets managed by associates.
Our purpose is rooted in three key principles:

We work with our clients to achieve positive long-term outcomes

We have industry-leading expertise that draws strength from diversity

We are a responsible investor, rising to the challenges of a rapidly changing world
Our responsible investment beliefs
We believe responsible investing is essential to improve long-term returns, unearth opportunities and mitigate risks by fostering sustainable markets and economies.
We have a responsibility to many stakeholders. When we allocate capital, we conduct extensive research into potential environmental and societal outcomes
ESG factors are financially material, albeit not all to the same degree. And patience is required, because the time horizons of ESG outcomes and investment returns are not always aligned
Engagement with consequences is the best way to deliver long-term, systemic change on a global scale

Investment management capabilities to suit our clients’ needs.
More about us

Executive team
The executive team of L&G’s Asset Management division has a clear vision to be a global asset manager of scale and substance.

We have been frequently recognised for our investment expertise, approach to responsible investing and partnership with our clients.
*Source: L&G as at 31 December 2015. The AUM disclosed aggregates assets managed by L&G in the UK and US and includes the value of securities and derivatives positions.
Targeting long-term responsible investing goals
In partnership with, and on behalf of, our clients we target a broad range of ESG objectives. These include:
- Reaching net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or sooner across all assets under management
- Setting an interim target of 70% of eligible AUM to be managed in alignment with this net-zero ambition by 2030
- Achieving net-zero carbon across our real estate portfolio by 2050 [1]
L&G, as at May 2024. For further information on our responsible investing goals, please visit our Active Ownership page
[1] For this first interim target, unveiled as part of the Net Zero Asset Manager initiative, we have excluded Government securities and Derivative assets due to lack of clear industry methodologies to account for these asset classes to date.
Key risks
The value of an investment and any income taken from it is not guaranteed and can go down as well as up, and the investor may get back less than the original amount invested.
Whilst L&G has integrated Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations into its investment decision-making and stewardship practices, this does not guarantee the achievement of responsible investing goals within funds that do not include specific ESG goals within their objectives.
The risks associated with each fund or investment strategy should be read and understood before making any investment decisions. Further information on the risks of investing in this fund is available in the prospectus here:
Scam Warning
We have been made aware of unaffiliated parties claiming to represent “L&G” in the provision of legal advice regarding the recovery of trading losses and/or losses to fraud. Such communications may be via email and may include our logo. The communication may solicit the recipient to create an account, share financial or personal data and/or solicit the recipient to transfer funds.
Please be aware that neither L&G’s Asset Management division nor any subsidiary companies of L&G provide or solicit legal advice to or from its clients in respect of any matters, including for the avoidance of doubt recovery proceedings or other individual investment management services. If you have been approached by any individuals claiming to represent us, or any subsidiary companies of L&G, in respect of the provision of legal advice or recovery services or other individual investment management services for retail investors, please contact us immediately. Please also contact the relevant local authorities immediately if you believe you may have been the victim of such a scam.