lgim - ntr partnership - HERO

The L&G NTR Partnership

Harnessing the power of clean energy to tackle climate change

Hale Solar Farm, Dorset, England

The L&G NTR Partnership

Illustration showing the Legal & General umbrella on a charcoal background


For professional clients only. Not to be distributed to retail clients. Capital at risk. 

The world is facing a climate emergency, that requires action now
In order to achieve net-zero global emissions, trillions of euros worth of investments are needed
Clean energy infrastructure – namely wind power, solar energy and the energy storage that supports clean energy on the grid – forms an essential part of that pathway
But not only can investments in clean energy play a vital part in healing our planet …
they can also create opportunities for investors
NTR has been investing in cutting-edge, clean energy since 1999
It’s developed, constructed and operated close to three gigawatt of wind, solar and energy storage projects across Europe and the US
Rosheen McGuckian, CEO NTR 

“Since 2015 NTR has been acquiring, developing, building and operating clean energy projects throughout Europe for institutional investors – and from that time, Legal & General has been a cornerstone investor in each of our clean energy funds.”

Bill Hughes, Global Head of Real Assets, LGIM

“This latest partnership between NTR and Legal and General Investment Management is a natural progression of that tie-up. Together, we believe we are a powerful force, leveraging LGIM’s scale and the size of its institutional client base, the resources of its real assets team, and its award-winning investment stewardship team[1]. 


“Leaving us to do what we do best, which is to use our expertise and asset management experience to find clean energy projects – acquire them, develop and operate them on the ground. 

Working with the developer and with the local communities across Europe, NTR acquires the relevant sustainable infrastructure projects
The company unlocks further potential value by designing projects to their full potential, putting in place best-in-class contracts for financing, construction & maintenance, and energy trading
At the same time the company ensures the projects are built and operated optimally and safely throughout their lifetime

“The L&G NTR Clean Power (Europe) Fund allows investors access to immediately available cash yields. It also gives them the potential opportunity to invest in long-life assets with the sort of long-term, reliable cashflows that quality, sustainable assets could provide.”


“Due to its sustainable characteristics, the fund should qualify for Article 9 of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, or SFDR for short.”


“Against a background of technological advances, regulatory change, and of course the international focus on energy security, this partnership between LGIM and NTR will make a real difference in displacing fossil fuels with clean power which is the future of energy.”

“This partnership provides our respective organisations, and LGIM’s clients, with an exciting opportunity to be meaningfully involved in the journey to net zero and the clean energy revolution.”
“By combing our forces, we believe we are taking real action to tackle the climate emergency.”
Key risks

The value of an investment and any income taken from it is not guaranteed and can go down as well as up, you may not get back the amount you originally invested. Past performance is not a guide to the future. Awards should not be considered a recommendation.

For professional clients only. Not to be distributed to retail clients.

The views expressed within this video are those of Legal & General Investment Management. This video should not be taken as an invitation to invest in Legal & General investments. No part of this video may be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written consent of Legal & General Investment Management Limited.

© 2022 LGIM Managers (Europe) Limited, authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland, registered in Ireland with the Companies Registration Office (No. 609677). Registered Office: 70 Sir John Rogerson’s Quay, Dublin 2, Ireland. Regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland (No. C173733).

[1] Source: ICGN Global Stewardship Disclosure Award Winner 2021

Information about NTR

Over 20 years’ experience of investing in, and operating, clean energy assets on behalf of third-party investors

Manages projects in over 45 locations across Europe

Developed, constructed and operates close to 3GW of wind, solar and energy storage projects across Europe and the US

The company has been deploying capital on behalf of institutional investors through clean energy funds since 2015


Listen to Bill Hughes, Global Head of Private Markets, LGIM, Dr Rosheen McGuckian, CEO of NTR plc and Joe Dalton, Asset Management Director, NTR plc talking through the energy transition, energy independence and potential opportunities for investors in investing in a blend of renewable assets.

Press release

Clean Power fund finances three more solar projects in Spain

13 July 2023

L&G NTR Clean Power Fund Acquires Three Solar Projects in Spain

Transaction marks first investment for fund recently launched by Legal & General Investment Management (LGIM) and renewable energy specialist NTR

4 January 2023

Product classification

Given the sustainable nature of the fund’s proposed investments, the fund will be classified as Article 9 of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).

Get in touch

Marcel Linotte

Marcel Linotte

Head of Netherlands Institutional Business

Jasper Streefland

Jasper Streefland

Client Director Netherlands


L&G NTR Clean Power (Europe) SCSp RAIF (the "Partnership"), is a reserved alternative investment fund (fonds d’investissement alternatif réservé) pursuant to the RAIF Law in the form of a special limited partnership (société en commandite spéciale) pursuant to the Companies Law. The Partnership is a closed-ended alternative investment fund (fonds d'investissement alternatif). LGIM Managers (Europe) Limited shall act as the external alternative investment fund manager of the Partnership. Legal & General Investment Management Limited shall act as the investment manager of the Partnership to whom the AIFM has delegated the portfolio management function.

Key risks

The value of any investment and any income taken from it is not guaranteed and can go down as well as up, and investors may get back less than the amount originally invested. The risks associated with each fund or investment strategy should be read and understood before making any investment decisions. Further information on the risks of investing is available from L&G's Fund Centres.

While L&G has integrated Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations into its investment decision-making and stewardship practices, this does not guarantee the achievement of responsible investing goals within funds that do not include specific ESG goals within their objectives.

1Source: Bloomberg NEF (2021) The EU Fit For 55 Plan Unpacked