Investment Stewardship
Seeking to effect positive change to deliver long-term, sustainable value
What is investment stewardship?
Investment stewardship means the responsible oversight of capital that we allocate on behalf of our clients in order to generate sustainable benefits for the economy, the environment and society.
This involves engaging with the companies in which we invest, to address risks and opportunities – both company-specific and market-wide.
At the same time, the Investment Stewardship team works with regulators, policymakers and our industry peers to tackle systemic issues.
Our team exercises voting rights globally across L&G’s active and index funds, holding companies to account on the issues that matter most to our clients. These range from climate change to board independence and diversity.
We are proud to have received a 5* ranking from the UN PRI for five modules: Policy governance and strategy, Passive equity, Real estate, Fixed income (SSA) and Fixed income (corporate). The full Transparency and Summary Scorecard reports are available through the links below.
Reports and updates
Active ownership
How we engaged globally to deliver positive change in 2023
Quarterly Impact Reports: A summary of our stewardship actions and impact.
Climate Impact Pledge
Our 2023 report outlines how we are making our targeted engagement programme even more ambitious, in order to bring about net-zero carbon emissions.
Stewardship themes
Keeping 1.5C° alive
Supporting a world that lives in harmony with nature, recognising the value of natural capital
Improving human capital across the corporate value chain
Safeguarding global health to limit negative consequences for the global economy
Strengthening accountability to deliver stakeholder value
Establishing minimum standards for how companies manage digitisation-related risks
Source: LGIM Active Ownership report 2023
Our Investment Stewardship team exercises voting rights globally, across L&G’s active and index funds. Visit our vote disclosure website for up-to-date information on our voting activities.

Rating companies
Future World Protection List
Developed specifically for our Future World fund range, it captures companies failing to meet globally accepted business practices on human rights and sustainability, or L&G’s minimum requirements on the carbon transition.
ESG score
Our proprietary, rules-based approaches to scoring companies from an environmental, social and governance (ESG) perspective.
Climate Impact Pledge score
Drawing on independent data providers and our proprietary climate modelling, we have mapped circa 1,000 companies globally in ‘climate-critical’ sectors against key indicators and assessed them under a ‘traffic light’ system.
Policies and guides
Our policies set out the key principles for how we exercise our voting rights and engage with companies on behalf of our clients. Our guides provide more information for companies about what they can do to meet our expectations. We also share some of our broader views on important E, S and G topics.
Thought leadership

Globalising our diversity engagement
Our paper, Globalising our diversity engagement, seeks to explore how these emerging markets are approaching diversity and lay the groundwork for future engagement on this issue.

Listen on L&G Talks Asset Management
Episodes on environmental, social and governance topics. These include critical issues, such as the road to net zero, and examples of how we incorporate the principles of responsible investing.

ESG on the blog
Visit our blog to read insights from experts across Asset Management on the latest ESG developments and themes in responsible investing.
Get in touch

Get in touch
If you would like any further information please complete the contact us form.
Key risks
The value of any investment and any income taken from it is not guaranteed and can go down as well as up, and investors may get back less than the amount originally invested. The risks associated with each fund or investment strategy should be read and understood before making any investment decisions. Further information on the risks of investing is available from L&G's Fund Centres.
While L&G has integrated Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations into its investment decision-making and stewardship practices, this does not guarantee the achievement of responsible investing goals within funds that do not include specific ESG goals within their objectives.