Skydiver with sunset in background

Active Strategies

Helping investors uncover potential opportunities while driving positive change.


Whatever your outlook, we believe that active investing can help uncover potential opportunities, avoid systemic risks and respond quickly to changing market conditions. What’s more, as part of our purpose to create a better future through responsible investing, we engage with companies, governments and policymakers to strive for better outcomes, both for investors and our rapidly changing world.

Active at L&G

Whether investing in fixed income or equities, we believe our edge in active investing is that collaborative teams of experts can deliver better outcomes for investors, by focussing on alpha generation through the lens of sustainability.

Responsible investing

To achieve the best long-term outcomes for investors, we believe that active investment requires a three-dimensional approach to risk, return and impact. This means bringing together different perspectives to analyse and capture both fundamentals and ESG-related risks which may materialise in future.

At the heart of our investment approach is our cross-asset class research platform – the Global Research & Engagement Groups (GREGs) – which brings together teams of L&G’s best and brightest equity, fixed income and investment stewardship experts. These GREGs focus on identifying opportunities for potential future gains, as well as avoiding the risks that threaten the sustainability of future returns, all while engaging with companies for positive change.

Joined-up approach to research and engagement

Cross-asset expertise is at the core of our approach


Cross-asset expertise is at the core of our approach





70+ experts organised into nine sector groups

  • Cross asset-class research platform that combines the expertise of credit, equity and investment stewardship
  • Three-dimensional lens to analyse and capture both fundamentals as well as ESG-related or ‘not-yet financial’ risks
  • Maximising our engagement efforts though a joined-up, collective stakeholder approach


Working together, these groups connect the macro with the micro and drive a unified engagement approach, as well as helping implement their insights across our range of high-conviction strategies, each tailored for specific sustainable outcomes:

All active strategies portfolios

  • Focus on ESG as a financial risk
  • Integrate ESG risks at the sector and issuer level

UN SDG-aligned portfolios

  • Focus on impact using the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals Framework
  • Exclusion of negatively aligned companies and governments

Net Zero portfolios

  • Decarbonisation objectives based on our proprietary Destination@Risk model
  • Seeking better temperature alignments and outcomes

You can learn more about how GREGs work in practice in our latest Active Strategies outlook.

Our capabilities

Chanthaburi Sea View Image

Active Fixed Income

Learn more about our active fixed income ranges, covering both benchmark and unconstrained strategies. 

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Active Equities

Discover our range of high-conviction strategies, which include both value and income funds.


Our team

Colin Reedie
Head of Active Strategies
Underpinning our entire approach to active investment is the conviction that a strong team will always outperform the best individual talent over the long term

*Source: L&G's Asset Management division internal data as at 31 December 2024. The AUM disclosed is shown on the basis of client direct investments and excludes any double count from fund of fund holdings.

Net zero or SDGs? Comparing sustainability approaches for active credit

L&G’s experts look at both the overlaps and gaps between net zero investment strategies and those aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In particular, how investors can integrate these similar but distinct priorities into their active credit portfolios – and how does doing so differ from traditional investment approaches?

net zero or sdgs

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Get in touch

If you would like any further information please complete the contact us form. 

Key risks

The value of an investment and any income taken from it is not guaranteed and can go down as well as up, you may not get back the amount you originally invested. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Whilst L&G has integrated Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations into its investment decision-making and stewardship practices, this does not guarantee the achievement of responsible investing goals within funds that do not include specific ESG goals within their objectives.

The risks associated with each fund or investment strategy should be read and understood before making any investment decisions. Further information on the risks of investing in this fund is available in the prospectus here: