Helping redevelop Cardiff Central Square
With Cardiff’s population expected to grow significantly over the next 20 years, the city’s housing provision and infrastructure are being put under increasing pressure. Furthermore, the 12-acre site outside the main station was an unwelcoming environment, with an underused bus station surrounded by decaying 1950s office buildings and shops, large parts of which were derelict. To tackle this challenge, Cardiff Council created a strategy to develop this prime regeneration site in the heart of the city.
We formed a joint venture partnership with Rightacres (a local developer) and Cardiff Council to drive forward the redevelopment of Cardiff Central Square. This project marked the largest privately funded development in Wales, as well as the country’s largest build-to-rent scheme.
Located in a prime city centre location, Cardiff Central Square is delivering major social and economic benefits. We believe it is a prime example of how public and private sectors can work together to unlock the potential for economic growth.
The redevelopment masterplan has delivered 1.4m sq. ft of prime mixed-use accommodation, with a gross development value of over £450 million. The final element of the regeneration scheme will include a new bus station, 318 build-to-rent apartments and 100,000 sq ft of Grade-A office space. In addition, the project has helped create 10,000 jobs in the local area.